Unicon 12, Tokyo, 23 juillet-1er août 2004

Les inscriptions à Unicon 12 sont ouvertes. Les participants sont invités à s’incrire en ligne.

Ci-dessous un message de Jack Halpern sur rec.sport.unicycling :

[code]Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that registration for Unicon XII will now begin.
We apologize for the delay, resulting from various changes in age categories, rules, T-shirt sizes and the like, which were finally finalized on March 12. JUA Headquarters has asked me to go ahead with registration as soon as possible.

In as much as possible we ask that everyone register online at:


but if for some reason that is impossible you can download a paper version of the registration form from:


and airmail or fax it to the address shown on the form, but we strongly prefer that you register online. For detailed information on Uniocn XII, please visit the official website at:


And if you have any questions please direct them to Mayumi Sakaino and/or Kevin Gilbertson at unicycle@unicylcing.org. This is the mailing list is intended specifically for matters related to managing Unicon XII.

I very much look forward to seeing you in Japan, and hope you will do your best to bring in other unicyclists from your country or region.

P.S. My role as Convention Chairman has changed, which will be announced announced very soon. I will not be in charge of registration so please don’t write me in that regard.

Unicon XII Convention Chairman
Executive Director for International Development
International Unicycling Federation, Inc.
Website: http://www.kanji.org[/code]


Pour ceux qui hésitent encore à cause du prix, on m’a prévenu qu’il y avait des billets d’avion pour Tokyo (en passant par Moscou)
à 515 € (ce que j’ai pu vérifier) sur internet.
Allez sur vivacances.fr

An’So qui espère ne pas être en stage à ce moment là (et qui espère trouver quelques sous parce son porte monnaie n’est pas encore suffisant)