Quax Cross 29

Qui a testé et peut nous en dire plus sur ce Quax Cross 29 ?

pour 199 roros + 20 de frais de port sur Unicycle.com il semble doté de bon atouts ?

ah ah pleg met le doigt dans l’engrenage : d’abord un 24, puis un 29 … puis un 36!

on est tous voués à ça…
j’ai l’intention d’acheter toute la gamme kh au fur et a mesure de mon évolution dans la vie et le mono…

Mon ami Pleg, je suis pas sur que ce soit le bon choix à cause du poids et du rendement, Zippedy a eu l’occasion de tester celui de ??? lors de l’ardéchoise et il préfère de très loin son KH me semble t’il. Mieux vaut prendre un modèle soldé : 2007 ou un 2005 remonté avec un axe ISIS. Voir ci après l’avis de Kris Holm himself comparé au KH 29" modèle 2007 et non au tout petit dernier qui ne peut être qu’encore plus mieux que mieux :

Hi Didier,

Thanks for the note. There are a few differences between the unis.
Starting from the top:

  1. The Fusion Freeride saddle (in my opinion) is a better shape for
    longer rides due to the cutaway in the middle of the saddle, and
    because the removable cover allows to you to modify the foam (or add
    an airseat) if you want
  2. The ability to adjust saddle angle is really important for comfort
    on a uni you will probably sit on for a long time. The rails bracket
    allows this much better than a bolt-on seatpost.
  3. Brake setup on the KH is easier to use with the brake tube attached
    to the rails.
  4. Having a high stiffness-to–weight ratio on the frame is more
    important on a 29" uni than on smaller wheels, because the longer fork
    blades have more leverage than short fork blades. Even a small
    amount of flex causes brake rub. The KH uses 7005 aluminum which
    is very stiff for the weight, to help with this
  5. Having a rounded fork crown like the KH29 frame is important on a
    29’er because otherwise the fork crown tends to bruise your knees.
  6. Having a stiff, strong rim is important because the larger rim is
    inherently weaker because it’s bigger, and because rim flex causes
    brake rub when you are climbing. The KH rim is (I believe) the
    strongest on the market right now in this size. A lot of mountain
    bikers riding 29’er bikes in the U.S. are buying the KH rim right now
    for this reason.
  7. The double holed Moment cranks are a big advantage because 150mm is
    ideal for muni, and the 125 mm is better for easy muni and roads, and
    you don’t have to buy two sets of cranks.
    8) The Moment hub has wider flanges, which is important for strength
    in the 700c rim size.
    8) The pedals are more durable than the Qu-Ax but honestly they are
    overkill on the KH29 for most riders. I just use the same pedals for
    all 3 unicycles because it is easier for assembly in Taiwan; if you
    want to reduce weight you can switch out the pedals for lighter ones.

Hope that helps.

