Cody Williams

Est- ce que quelqu’un sait ce qui est arrivé à Cody Williams? Pas mal de riders lui font hommage, le soutiennent en ce moment, mais j’ai du mal à comprendre ce qui s’est réellement passé!
Pour ceux qui comprennent bien l’anglais, merci de m’éclairer.
Voici le texte pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas vu:

Saturday night Cody Williams and National trials expert Shaun Miller went out on the quads from Cody’s place in Phelan. Shaun and Cody got separated during the ride. Shaun, not being familiar with the area stopped in front of a strange house and yelled for help. Neighbors hearing the cries for help called the police. The deputies stopped Cody on the quad while he was searching for Shaun and questi…oned him. From there one of the deputies apparently didn’t like Cody out riding at night and pummeled him in the head with his club, something against all codes and regulations. Cody sustained severe head injuries as a result. He was taken to High Desert Hospital and later transported to the medical unit of the West Valley Detention Center in Fontana. He was charged with evading police and battery on a police officer. Inside sources say that due to his injuries if they didn’t charge him it would give too good a case for police brutality. His parents posted his bail and took him straight to Loma Linda University Hospital where trauma surgeons are working to assess and repair the damage. Cody has had three CAT scans due to brain swelling and blurred vision. He has a fractured eye socket, broken jaw, numerous skull fractures, and numbness in his arm with little recollection of the events after the beating. He only vaguely remembers being held down while being clubbed repeatedly yelling “I’m not resisting arrest.” We all know Cody and you couldn’t meet a nicer person. It’s very sad to say we have some rogue deputies roaming the desert and treating us this way. When this deputy’s name becomes available we will let everyone know. Meanwhile we all are praying for Cody’s recovery and hope that this deputy or deputies get found out and goes to jail where he/they belong. Cody’s mom is staying in Phelan while Cody recovers. There are unconfirmed reports that this beating was witnessed by some local residents and we are trying to find out who they are. Please repost and pass this information along to all our contacts.

Pour faire vite : ils partent rouler (Shaun et Cody) et sont séparés. Shaun appelle « à l’aide » dans la rue car il est perdu et ne connait pas le quartier, les gens du quartier appellent les flics.
Les flics trouvent Cody à la recherche de son pot, lui posent des questions, puis l’un d’eux le tabasse (on ne sait pas pourquoi).
Maintenant, il est à l’hosto avec un trauma crânien sévère, la mâchoire cassée, etc. et ne se rappelle pas bien les événements et les flics l’ont accusé de résistance à l’arrestation (ou un truc dans le genre).

Voilà grosso modo. Pas le courage de chercher la signification précise de certains termes que je ne connais pas ou que je ne sais pas bien traduire à l’écrit… mais ça donne les grandes lignes.

Je ne connais pas ces types, ce sont des monocyclistes d’où ?

Merci d’avoir pris de ton temps pour me traduire, c’est cool!

Il me semble que c’est un rider américain, mais ça fait un petit moment qu’il roule…
Voici une vidéo de lui qui date de 4 ans…

L’histoire est plus expliquée sur la page facebook " justice for cody" où on voit même des photos de lui bien défiguré… :confused: